Citizens demanding accountability from duty bearers through media

WAJIBU did an analysis of the CAG's performance audit report on the Availability and Up-Keeping of Primary Schools Infrastructure in Tanzania of March 2017, which reported on poor infrastructures of primary schools in Tanzania. One of the schools mentioned in that report is Kiboriani Primary School located in Mpwapwa District, Dodoma Region. This school had poor infrastructures as reported by the CAG. WAJIBU made an intervention to the Kiboriani Primary school through its Audit Accountability Initiative Project aiming at enhancing the communication of audit findings among the strategic stakeholders such as the citizens, school's committee, District Council Officers, Parliamentary Oversight Committees, Ministry of Education, PO-RALG and media for the implementation of the CAG recommendations.

In August 2022, a journalist from Nipashe newspaper (trained under WAJIBU) conducted a monitoring visit to Kiboriani Primary School and reported on its pathetic infrastructure situation.After publication of the article, the former Deputy Minister from the PO-RALG Hon. David Silinde (MP) visited the school and found the infrastructure to be as reported by the journalist at which point, he promised that the government will re-build the school.

Following the promise made by Hon. David Silinde, in April 2023, the Government (PO-RALG) released TZS 193,800,000 through the Boost Program to support the re-construction of Kiboriani Primary School. This sum was provided to Kiboriani Primary School to support the construction of four (4) Classrooms with 15 desks in each class, 1 toilet with 10 holes for girls and 10 holes for boys and a two in one teachers' house. All buildings were constructed and completed on time.

The completion of the Kiboriani primary schools infrastructure contributed into solving the problem of insufficiency of classrooms, pit latrines, desks and teachers' houses. The number of classes increased from 4 to 8, while the pit latrines from 4 to 20 and the teacher's houses from 0 to 2 houses.

Furthermore, this project not only contributed to the improvement of the primary school facilitities and infrastructures, but also contributed to the improvement of other social amenities such as road and dispensary and resolved the long-term existed land dispute between the Kiboriani community and Livestock Training Institute (LTI).

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