Success Stories

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Impact Documentary on Empowering the Community through Audit Findings

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Advocacy results: Parliament uses WAJIBU's PFA recommendations to oversee the Government

The Parliament uses WAJIBU's PFA recommendations for instance its directive to the government to revise the Public Audit Act of 2008 in order to reduce the time for publishing audit reports of the Government Accounts from 9 to 6 months. The parliament directed the government through the Ministry of Finance to reduce the time of closing the financial accounts to no more than a month from the end of the government's fiscal year which is June 30th.

This will help the Parliamentary Oversight Committees to obtain and review audit observations and recommendations earlier and for a longer period of time unlike the current situation whereby such information is obtained 9 months after the end of the government's fiscal year. The other advantage of reducing time for publishing audit reports is that the CAG's reports will have an input in the country's immediate budgeting processes. Som...

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Citizens demanding accountability from duty bearers through media

WAJIBU did an analysis of the CAG's performance audit report on the Availability and Up-Keeping of Primary Schools Infrastructure in Tanzania of March 2017, which reported on poor infrastructures of primary schools in Tanzania. One of the schools mentioned in that report is Kiboriani Primary School located in Mpwapwa District, Dodoma Region. This school had poor infrastructures as reported by the CAG. WAJIBU made an intervention to the Kiboriani Primary school through its Audit Accountability Initiative Project aiming at enhancing the communication of audit findings among the strategic stakeholders such as the citizens, school's committee, District Council Officers, Parliamentary Oversight Committees, Ministry of Education, PO-RALG and media for the implementation of the CAG recommendations.

In August 2022, a journalist from Nipashe newspaper (trained under WAJIBU) conduct...

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Community radios use accountability reports to demand accountability - the case of Ndingala FM Radio - Sumbawanga

Community radios use accountability reports to demand accountability - the case of Ndingala FM Radio - Sumbawanga

WAJIBU through its Amka Tuongee project engaged and built the capacity of 15 community radios in Tanzania. The Ndingala FM radio is one of such radios where it used the CAG's report on Local Government Authorities 2020/21 and picked the issue of uncompleted Sumbawanga district hospital project with the value of TZS 956,340,753.

The Ndingala FM journalist conducted a radio program where the Municipal Executive Director, the Regional Bureau Chief - PCCB (Rukwa region), Mayor, the Member of Parliament and citizens were interviewed as to why is the hospital project not completed in time while funds had been disbursed a year ago? The aim of Ndingala FM radio program was to influence change in terms of the implementation of development pro...

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WAJIBU – Institute of Public Accountability,
Rose Garden Road, Tancom Street, Mikocheni,
P.O Box 13486, Dar es salaam.
Phone: +255 736 666916



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P.O.Box 2089
Phone: +255 738 375 212

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